
Prototype: LP sprocket and guard

We've been working on this for avail now, still some changes to be made but enjoy this sneak peak!
Back to Fortytwobmx main page: http://www.fortytwobmx.com


New website soon!

We're working on the new site right now! Will be up this month together with a lot of new stuff, new webedits, new how to's and some info on the new products! Stay tuned! Back to Fortytwobmx main page: http://www.fortytwobmx.com



We're alive although things have been slow for avail (to much other work)! We're working on: new products (you'll see more about that in the coming months) new website and some team updates Sorry for slacking! Stay tuned for updates soon! Back to Fortytwobmx main page: http://www.fortytwobmx.com